Monday, January 2, 2012

Chinese language practice 2011-12-26

Homework assignment due 2011-12-21

Sentences from new words on page 86

问题【wèntí question; problem
Have questions?  No questions!
nǐ yǒu wèn tí ma  wǒ méi yǒu wèn tí  
你有问题吗? 我没有问题

请教【qǐngjiào ask for advice; consult.
You ought to consult an attorney.
nǐ yīng gāi qǐng jiào lǜ shī 

终结【zhōngjié end; final stage.
Tomorrow I will terminate our lease.
wǒ míng tiān huì jié shù wǒ men de zū lìn 

送终【sòngzhōng】 attend upon a dying parent or other senior member of one's family
When my mother died, I was unable to attend.
wǒ mā mā qù shì de shí hòu  wǒ bù néng qù sòng zhōng  

散开【sànkai spread out or apart; disperse; scatter.
When the dog entered the house, the cats all scattered.
gǒu jìn wū de shí hòu  māo dōu sǎn kāi le  

禁忌【jìnjì taboo
Smoking cigarettes in school is a taboo.
chōu yān zài xué xiào shì yī zhǒng  jìn jì 

边【hǎibiān seaside.
We often go to the seaside and stay at a hotel.
cóng jīn yǐ hòu wǒ bù hē pú táo jiǔ le  

翻【fānturn upside down 
Spill the tea.
dǎ fān le chá 

怕【 fear; dread; be afraid of; I'm afraid; I suppose; 
I fear lightning.
wǒ pà shǎn diàn 

看来【kànlai it seems (or appears); it looks as if.
It seems that my friend will not visit us.
kàn lái wǒ de péng yǒu jiāng bù néng tàn shì wǒ men

以后【yǐhòu after; later; afterwards; following; later on; in the future.
From now on, I stop drinking wine.
cóng jīn yǐ hòu wǒ bù hē pú táo jiǔ le  

注意【zhùyì pay attention to; take note (or notice) of.
Be careful of the words you say.
qǐng zhù yì nǐ shuō de huà  

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